Rabu, 19 Desember 2012

Remember His Goodness!!! (Part 1)

when troubles come and you don't have any idea about how to fix those..
when condition is getting worse and you don't know how to solve that..
when everything seems darker and you don't know how to turn on the light..
come to Jesus!

when you can't give thanks to God because you only feel sadness and loneliness..
when you can't be thankful to Him because you see everything is not working..
when you can't say thank you to Him because you have big problem in your life..
come to Jesus!
praise Him!
worship Him!

remember what He has done to you!
remember what He has given to you!

when you remember His goodness,
you make your eyes don't focus on your problems anymore

when you remember His goodness,
you make your eyes focus on Jesus again, Almighty God,
who is much much greater than your problems
who is much much stronger than anyone or anything
who can solve the problems and the mountains
who can fix bad things become good things
who can turn on the light to shine your life
who can cast sadness and loneliness out

what you can do is be thankful
what you can do is say "thank you Father"
what you can do is give thanks
what you can do is loving Him again and again, more and more..

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