Kamis, 01 Maret 2012


Well, I dont know how to start this..
Yeay as you see in the picture above, those are my list to do, my hope, and my pray..
I'm trying to use english to write this note..sorry if my english is not so good..

1. TA (baca: tugas akhir), still in progress to decide what is the topic? but i believe there is a way..and also there are many things to do in my laboratory such as meeting, selection of the new assistants, making modul for praktikum, and some teaching schedule in the class.

2.  PA..yeay it is a must to do though we are really busy..but lately we dont have any..I hope this week I can meet my daughters in Christ again,,,

3. S2...I plan taking the fast track in ITB to get my master "Manajemen Industri"

4. I never get 4 for my GPA, so I hope for this last semester I can get 4...haha..it will be really wonderful if I get it.

Above all..I surrender all of them to my God...yes He is my very present help in time of need...

How about you? What is your list to do? What is the plan? 

Quotes :
Fail to plan is plan to fail

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